FastForward is a coordinated suite of resources designed to efficiently move technologies from startup to marketplace. With innovations in an array of markets from drug development to manufacturing and digital health, FastForward startups are bringing myriad life-changing technologies to market.

Johns Hopkins faculty members, students, researchers, and FastForward associated companies with technologies in the life sciences, digital health and AI fields are invited to apply to participate in the Johns Hopkins Innovation Summit 2025. Learn more.

Startup Resources

Developing a startup into a sustainable business is a rewarding but challenging endeavor. To equip entrepreneurs for success, FastForward provides a range of supportive programs and resources such as legal and accounting support, access to information resources, fundraising assistance and networking opportunities

Startup Funding

As startups meet development milestones, their funding needs evolve. FastForward helps startups identify opportunities and secure funding at any stage - from translational non-dilutive grants to seed and series A funding.

Affordable Space

Strategically located across Baltimore, the FastForward innovation hubs provide turnkey solutions to meet a startup’s space needs, allowing entrepreneurs to focus on their true value drivers.

Our Portfolio Companies

Johns Hopkins startups leverage the university’s world-class research assets and the innovation infrastructure of FastForward. More thanv150 companies have been formed to develop disruptive technologies first conceived at Johns Hopkins in areas ranging from the life sciences to engineering to digital health.


Industry sponsors play an essential role in the advancement of discovery and the vibrancy of Baltimore’s innovation ecosystem.


Interested in learning more about FastForward? Contact our Director, Technology Incubation and Acceleration

Jane Kagen

Director, Startup Strategy and Operations